An e-mail I wrote about the 2008 elections

If I sent you this, I appologise for the redundancy, but some read the blog that I do not have e-mail addresses for 🙂

Hello my friends,

I like to think of myself as a good writer, but with such an important topic I am finding myself at almost a loss for words. I love this country, I honor those who defend it, my uncles defended it, my father defended it, my grandfather defended it. I am honored to be in such a lineage. I personally am not in the military, but I believe in defending my country as well. There are at this point various  points of attack on this country. Terrorism, illegal immigration, internal crime, and sadly our own government, at times, makes decisions that are simply, and clearly damaging to our country. For example, the supreme court just gave terrorists, held in Guantanamo, the same rights as American citizens. Now I know I am treading on dangerous ground here. Politics is certainly, in some cases, a volatile topic. Here’s a great thing about America though, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO YOUR OPPINION, furthermore, you have the right to speak your opinion, no matter what the aclu says. I think the writers of our constitution kinda trump the aclu… call me crazy. Here’s the point. We have the right to our opinion, to vote who we believe would make the best president, but the media makes it VERY difficult to actually have good information to base your opinions on (I am actually looking up a Google search for presidential candidates and I am showing on all these sites only McCain and Obama). For this reason I am writing this e-mail. If you believe that John McCain would be the best president, vote for him, its your right. if you believe Barack Obama would be the best president, then vote for him, it’s your right. The problem is, I have heard SO many people say… I don’t like either… I will just write in someone… some have talked of my pastor, some have talked of mickey mouse, etc. Believe me I understand your frustration, but to “write in” someone is to literally through your vote away. sure it will say your upset, but it is almost guaranteed your write in will not win, and I think at least Mickey would not accept the nomination if he did. But I would suggest another option, one the media has not said A WORD ABOUT. The big secret? there are other candidates. There is (and this is the point to my e-mail) a Constitution party candidate who you can vote for named Chuck Baldwin. For your viewing pleasure Here is a link where he gives his outlook on “the issues”

and there is also a Libertarian candidate Bob Barr, (with vice presidential running mate, Wayne Allen Root), the next link is His view of the issues.

Here is what I would ask all of you. The right to vote is SUCH a powerful thing. a voter honestly should have EVERY scrap of information possible to make the most informed decision possible. My request is, Check out these sites, take a look at what they believe, Then make a decision. WHOEVER it may be, at least you will have the security of knowing that you knew what there is to know about EVERYONE, (and if there are others, please forgive me, I would have added you/them, but I sincerely did not know there was more to be added), and you knew who you were voting for is indeed the one you want. Again, if you check these out and you want obama, vote for obama, or mccain, or baldwin or bar, Thats the beauty, its your choice, and I would never even TRY to talk you out of it, or influence your decision (if you want to know who I am voting for and why, I would love to discuss it in private, you obviously have my e-mail address, feel free to ask). all I am asking is PLEASE equip yourselves with what you can find so you know what your doing. Voting without all the information is like Firing a gun without knowing what your aiming at.  AND of course, it is certainly your right to ignore this whole thing. I will not be offended… kinda sad, but not offended. Like I started with, I want to do what I can to defend this country, and I believe knowledge is power. This is why I wrote this… to defend with knowledge. as best I can. I hope it helps.

Whats new

Well, allot of things are new these days. I had a job that was going well. I got kinda sick… was out for a week with an average of a 102 fever. one week after it started it shot up to 104, so I went to the hospital and they found one of my lungs was about 2/3 full of pneumonia. I was in the hospital for a week, and then since I was out of work for 2 weeks they fired me. so now, I am at the beginning of the 4th week and I am feeling about 95% better… feels like almost all the fluid is out of my lungs, and I can actually walk around and do things now. This is a good thing. Please pray that I can find a job quick… we have no money to fall back on this time… I need something fast.  I have met up with allot of old friends through it is good to be in touch with everyone. Some of you may have noticed that this blog seems a little lighter in the history section now. There is a reason for that. I had been writing about wines I have tried, but I got to thinking. perhaps I should keep this blog strictly about things going on with me, thoughts I am having, things going on in my life, and then have another blog for said hobby of wine tasting. so I created another blog… transferred all the articles I wrote so far over there. Feel free to check it out if you want. would be honored to have your continued patronage.

other than that, amber is still very faithful (about the Job situation) always saying things like… “God knows what he is doing, just got to trust him.” she is a great wife… I am very blessed.

Finally, we are looking into taking a rather large step in ministry. we are looking into what it would take to become missionaries to Japan. God has moved her heart in such a way that she is on board with it, and is offering advise as to how to go about it, So I will certainly keep you posted about that.

Well obviously it is late, so I will let you go (cause I still need to sleep) but thanks for reading.

good night