long time no type

hey all, Sorry to keep you, my faithful fans without anything to read for so long… its just… that nothing new ever happens… the sun comes up, the sun goes down and the next day the same thing happens again. It really gets kinda tiring. One new thing that is going on… I found a WONDERFUL new soundtrack, for a play, its called (brace yourself) Wicked. Now I know, that allot of the christian readers out there are thinking WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO ANYTHING WICKED >.< I know I know… but here’s the story. its about the back story to the wicked witch of the west, and Glenda from the wizard of oz. The story is great, and the music is PHENOMENAL. Since the inipi I have been seeing some things in a different light, learning new things… interesting things… even seeing some things. very interesting, nothing bad or un-biblical that I can see so far. I am watchfull though. anyway… good music in wicked… have fun. I love you all