
It’s now been a couple weeks since I went and partook in the Inipi ceremony, the Sweat lodge. I have been wondering what I should write here… about it…and it seems time has given some insight on that. It was a good thing. Oh I can’t say that I agree with everything that went on there… but that was a very minor side note that I indeed had no part in anyway.  The sweat lodge was hot in the first flap, and very hot in the second. There was indeed pain, and numbness in my limbs and it was very close quarters. When I came out, I felt very light headed, and after the earth stopped spinning, I laid down on the grass… i don’t think laying down ever felt so good. and the cool grass was very nice as well. Dancing Horse, came over and gave me a bottle of cold water… very nice of him. It was a good experience… but I think… the most amazing things have happened after. I got a very profound message, and confirmation that night… but for now, I will keep that personal. The next morning… its kinda indescribable… blue, was bluer, green was greener, air was fresher… and my whole being was… beinger… the morning smelled good… and it seemed I could smell it with every pore in my body… which, from the night before, was open and clear… they say coming out of a sweat lodge is like a birth of sorts… I can understand why they would say that… everything felt… new. Since then, my spirit seems to be more receptive of things going on around me… more sensitive. I have to admit I like it. I miss the people i met there… everyone was so nice… I knew none of them when I got there, but by the next morning it was hugs all around, accept for a couple handshakes… all were friends. I will probably go back and do another one, in fact I am looking forward to doing another one. perhaps sometime this winter. Also… I feel very much lead to go on a vision quest. a time apart to seek closeness, and guidance one on one with God. my spirit really wants that… I know how Jesus felt when he felt lead to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit… I feel the same way… perhaps not to the same desperation… but it is indeed there. I feel it should come soon. We will see… we will see Soli Deo Gloria